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negative feedback circuit中文是什么意思

用"negative feedback circuit"造句"negative feedback circuit"怎么读"negative feedback circuit" in a sentence"negative feedback circuit"的同义词


  • 负反馈电路


  • By constructing the necessary condition and sufficient condition for feedback to exist in a circuit , can derive the methods of short circuit or open circuit for the load or the signal source resistance respectively of the feedback network , to analyze the configurations of the negative feedback circuits
  • The actual negative feedback amplifying circuit doesn ' t form a closed - loop only from the basic amplifying circuit and the feedback network , but forms the multi - loop system ( multi - loop negative feedback circuit ) from several basic amplifying circuits and several feedback networks
    摘要实际的负反馈放大电路,并非都是由基本放大电路和反馈网络构成一个闭环系统< 1 > ,还有由多个基本放大电路和多个反馈网络构成的多环系统(多环负反馈电路) < 2 > 。
  • According to the different sample electricity from the output loop of the circuit by the feedback network and the different ways of connection between the input loop of the circuit and the feedback network , can divide the configurations of alternate negative feedback circuit into four kinds : voltage series , voltage parallel , current series and current parallel
用"negative feedback circuit"造句  


  • a feedback circuit that subtracts from the input
    同义词:control circuit,

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